Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What Benefits Flash Technology Can Boast

Flash movies offer two incredibly unique web browsing experiences: quite fast loading, and vector animation with interactivity:

Flash advantage #1: very fast loading to your screen

Unlike file attachments in email, which you should wait to fully download before viewing, Flash movies start playing as the content is transmitted to you. While the Flash movie may be 6 megabytes large, you can start to watch the animation within moments, even though the rest "streams" to your screen in the background. This makes Flash incredibly desirable for web publishers, as it opens creative doors for them to make really powerful animations for their readers.

Flash benefit #2: vector graphic animation

"Vector graphics" are different from "raster graphics" (jpg, gif, png, bmp graphics). Vector graphics use math formulas to draw animation shapes, though raster graphics save millions of tiny colored dots to draw photos. This difference allows vector graphics to become incredibly small file size, and really crisp at any resized format. For these two advantages, Flash designers use vector graphics to make effective website page visuals that load to your screen really rapidly and crisply.

Very first and foremost is it's ability to embed audio and visual content directly in to a site. This is the holy grail of advertising on the Internet. Nothing is more likely to grab the attention of an Internet user than the multimedia impact a Flash based advertisement embedded into a world-wide-web page can generate.

Adobe Flash also has the added bonus of being interactive when required. An advertiser can create an advertisement that the consumer can play with so to speak. Want to show several models of cars? This can be achieved simply by creating a Flash based movie allowing the website user to click on various parts of the advertisement to bring up various sections or parts of an advertisement that may be targeted at their demographic specifically.

Whether using Flash is a very good or bad selection depends on what your site is for. Flash is greatest suited as an animation tool, and it s supported on almost all the web browsers that men and women use, so you can be pretty certain that if you construct a web site with a Flash plugin, visitors will see it as you intended it to be seen. Video is a beneficial Flash application because it doesn't require a plugin like Windows MediaPlayer, and Flash is good for games, because it has much better browser support than Ajax. Also, vector graphics look prettier in Flash, and it allows image replacement for special fonts on a internet site.

It's nobody's secret that Flash technology is also used for developing Flash templates and Flash website layouts.

A Flash Template is a pre-designed site in flash or is a ready-to-use web page design template for a flash site.

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